Basic Overdraft Protection
Protect yourself from the embarrassment and expense of bounced checks with our Basic Overdraft Protection. You can arrange to have funds automatically transferred from your savings account, or from a personal line of credit (credit approval required) to cover overdrafts.
Custom Checks
Looking for checks that are unique to you? Head over to our partner Deluxe and choose templated checks or customize your own.
Direct Deposit/Payroll Deduction
You’ll enjoy the benefits of Payroll Deduction and/or Direct Deposit of regularly recurring payments. Click here to print the direct deposit form and send to your payroll department.
Telephone Teller
Manage your accounts around-the-clock, from anywhere, with our 24-Hour Telephone Teller Service. Simply call 1-888-621-2295 and check account balances, transfer funds, or review the latest deposit and loan rates.