Worcester Credit Union Membership - Tell all your family & friends to BANK Smarter & Join NOW

Aren’t a member of Worcester Credit Union? Join us today!

Become a Member-Owner

You are eligible for membership if:

  • You live, work or attend any school in Worcester County. 
  • You are a family member of a Worcester Credit Union member including: Parents, Spouse, Siblings, and Children.
  • You are a Federal, State or Municipal employee who works anywhere in Worcester County
  • You are an Elected or Appointed official of a Federal, State or Municipal government organization or agency, club, or non-profit in Worcester County
  • You are an employee of a private or regional school system anywhere in Worcester County
  • You are retired from any of the above employment, elected or appointed positions
  • You are an organization in Worcester County. This includes businesses, government organizations or agencies in the area
  • Once a member, always a member – Even if you move, change employers or leave school, you can still keep your account with the credit union. Just fill out this simple form to join today.

Become a Member-Owner